The Great Gate of Las Ventas, the Threshold to Eternal Glory

bullfighting cape

The Las Ventas bullring is considered by professionals, fans and critics to be the most important bullring in the world, the Cathedral of Bullfighting. For your entrance there are 18 exterior access doors and 4 main ones that lead to the ring. But of all of them, there is only one that becomes a threshold to eternal glory, we are talking about The Great Gate.

Design and architecture

It was designed by the architect José Espeliú in the already well-known neo-Mudejar style. Its design corresponds to a large horseshoe-shaped arch built with typical abstract brick shapes that covers the entire square. Its location gives access to Calle de Alcalá, the most famous street in Madrid.

Why is it so important for a bullfighter to leave through the Puerta Grande?

In addition to its imposing architecture, the Puerta Grande owes its importance to being the symbol of the greatest moment of glory that a “Matador” can receive. To be carried out on shoulders and open the Puerta Grande de las Ventas is what bullfighters dream of, achieving this means entering the History of Bullfighting and having their name reflected on the walls of the arena. But this door only opens when the bullfighter cuts off a minimum of two ears during the bullfight, trophies achieved by the recognition of the public and the highest authority of the bullfight. This requires a combination of great effort, a polished technique, personality and of course, entrusting oneself to one’s gods to request a good bullfight.

big door sales

Which bullfighters have been carried out through the main door on shoulders the most times?

Here is the Top 5 of the bullfighters who have managed to achieve glory, and leave surrounded by people in a festive ritual through the Puerta Grande of Las Ventas

  1. The bullfighter who has left the ring on shoulders through the Puerta Grande the most times has been Salamanca’s Santiago Martín “El Viti”, 14 times to be exact.
  2. He is followed in number by Paco Camino, “the wise boy from Camas” with 12
  3. Antonio Bienvenida, with 11 exits on shoulders.
  4. Andres Vazquez with 10
  5. Francisco Ruiz Miguel again with 10 starts.

Said by the bullfighters themselves: “Going out through the main door in the Madrid bullring is like touching the sky”

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