The royal tribune

sales drag door

The panoramic view of the largest bullring in Spain (and the third largest in the world after the Monumental of Mexico City and the Monumental of Valencia in Venezuela) is one of the most striking points of the visit.
In Madrid, the space for the public is divided into four levels: the lower tier, the upper tier, the grandstands and the andanadas.
In addition, it is divided into 10 sectors radially to the bullring, being sectors 9, 10, 1, 2 the shaded ones; 4, 5, 6, 7 the sunny ones and 3 and 8 the sunny and shaded ones.
The price of the tickets will depend on the location of the seats: cheaper in the sun, more expensive in the shade, cheaper the further away from the bullring and more expensive the closer.
On the grandstand level, the Palco Real, the space reserved for the royal authorities when they attend the Beneficencia bullfight, held as part of the famous San Isidro Fair (May-June) and in which the presence of a member or representative of the Royal Family is protocolary, stands out for its recessing and rich neo-Mudejar architecture.
The Royal Box is the work of the second architect of the bullring of Las Ventas, Manuel Muñoz Monasterio, who was also involved in much of the decorative program of the square, the Royal Box and the chapel.
To the left of the Royal Box we can see the Presidential Box, reserved for the President of the bullfight, the highest authority in a bullfight and the link between the bullfighting rite and the legal framework that regulates exhaustively the whole process of the bullfight.
The presidency, in Madrid, is held by a commissioner of the National Police.
He, as the voice of the public, will award the trophies to the bullfighters and the bull.
It is precisely here, in the tendidos, where the strength and revelry of the fans can be felt.
It is here where you experience, in company, those exciting moments that make the bullfight a unique spectacle.

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