Give an “orchard” to the arena of Las Ventas


The bullring of Las Ventas has hidden many secrets throughout its history … including an orchard. During the Civil War, the city of Madrid suffered from hunger, cold and fear. Neither its bullring could close its eyes to so many hardships, so his arena was transformed into a garden where cereals and vegetables were planted, mainly potatoes. Its agrarian use was so important that, in the corridors, it was said that, when a bullfighter was very good, he would have to give an “orchad” to the ring. Because, even in the worst moments, Madrid has managed to bring out its sense of humor, bullfighting, and cockiness.

After the fight, Las Ventas reopened its doors for a bullfight on May 24th, 1939, with a list of toreros which included Marcial Lalanda, Vicente Barrera, “El Estudiante”, Pepe Amorós, Domingo Ortega, Pepe Bienvenida and the rejoneador Antonio Cañero. In addition, work continued on the esplanade surrounding the Bullring.

If you want to know more secrets about Las Ventas, we wait for you from Monday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., under the Puerta Grande, with our guides and audioguides, so you can discover this piece of the History of Madrid … and give an “orchard” to the Arena.

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