Superstitions and obsessions of bullfighters

bullfighting cape

Although the politician and writer Edmund Burke maintained that superstition was the religion of weak minds, it also provides a small relief for the matador who is going out to risk his life in the ring. In essence, all these bullfighting superstitions are understandable and even funny.

The yellow one

The most common superstition is the one linked to yellow, the colour of fatality. That is why bullfighters avoid wearing yellow at all costs, and even get angry if someone in the audience has chosen a garment of this cursed colour. The hatred of yellow actually began in the 17th century when Moliére died the day he wore yellow clothing in the middle of a theatre performance.

Step into the chapel and how to step into the ring

Whether they are believers or not, before beginning the procession, almost all bullfighters pass through the chapel in the square to cross themselves, pray or leave a holy card on the altar. It is also common for many to wear medals, bracelets or amulets, religious or pagan, which protect them and ward off bad luck.
Some bullfighters prefer to step into the ring with their left foot, others with their right foot, others drag their feet, and others draw a cross on the sand. Some also avoid stepping on the white lines of the third and, to do so, take a longer stride. It is also common for them to touch the wood of the alley, or kiss it with their hand, just before starting the walk.

Toast a bull

When a bull is presented to the public and the montera is thrown into the air, all the bullfighters prefer that it land face down (a sign of good luck) because, if it lands face up, the possibility of some fatal event occurring increases in the hearts of the superstitious. Regarding the montera, by the way, there is another great mania: Bullfighters get very nervous when someone puts it on top of the bed. It’s a guaranteed disaster.
We could go on forever with the list, because, in addition to the general quirks, we must add the particular ones of each matador. As for oddities… bullfighters!

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