To make the bullfighting experience more realistic, we offer our visitors the possibility of completing their visit with a demonstration of Toreo de Salón. This activity consists in completely simulating the bullfighting of a bull with students of different ages from the Bullfighting School of Madrid.

Through this activity, visitors will discover the different types of cloak, banderillas and crutch and they can even practice themselves and demand all the information they want.
The demonstration of Toreo de salón is usually done inside the ring * with simultaneous translation by our guide and is adapted for group visits with a guide in Spanish, English and French.

Toreo de salon en plaza de toros Madrid

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The Madrid bullfighting school

The demonstration of Toreo de Salón is carried out by the students of the Bullfighting School of Madrid. In it, young people who are initiated in the teaching and practical training of bullfighting show us their skills as well as the professional responsibility that requires dedicating themselves to this discipline.


Bullfighting school is a perfect activity to enter the bullfighting universe for the first time as a spectator, having the opportunity to witness the debut of those who will surely be real bullfighting figures in the future.

In recent years they have reached the final test of their respective right-handed promotions such as Luis Miguel Encabo, Gómez Escorial, Uceda Leal, Miguel Abellán or even ‘El Juli’.

* The demonstration of bullfighting can take place in a different location from the bullring if necessary. 


Duration: 2hours approximately with the visit.

For more information and BOOKINGs, send an email to or fill out our form.